Sarge's Cigar Forum

Libations & Spirits => Scotch => Topic started by: Sarge on October 28, 2009, 19:59:29 -06

Title: What is the different types of Scotch?
Post by: Sarge on October 28, 2009, 19:59:29 -06
What are the different types of Scotch?

Scotch has a very old history, with some records of a similar distilled liquor evident in Celtic history, and it first makes its appearance in Scotch legal records in the 1600s. Scotch is a hard liquor specifically made, and exclusive to, the country of Scotland.

Scotch whisky, (from the Gaelic uisge beatha,

Title: Re: What is the different types of Scotch?
Post by: Proud Infidel on October 28, 2010, 09:04:47 -06
Glenfiddich is my favorite single malt, and Famous Grouse is my favorite blended version.