Title: V- Notch Cutter Post by: Grunt on November 04, 2009, 00:37:10 -06 Personally I prefer a V-Notch cutter. I like to cut my stogies while in the wrapper to minimize the mess and it helps keep my blade clean too.
Title: Re: V- Notch Cutter Post by: Walter_Lars on February 27, 2010, 23:55:37 -06 Amen
I have a small German sliver one on my key chain and Him seeing started up a chat with at a wood working show I wound up getting a good discount on a name brand cordless that was a demo at the show Who Knew ? ??? Title: Re: V- Notch Cutter Post by: Proud Infidel on October 28, 2010, 09:01:06 -06 It depends on what I'm smoking, my mood, and the ring gauge. I usually use a plug cutter or a V-notch.